Redefining Value - Workplace
When it comes to measuring value in our workspaces, traditional property valuation methodologies are no longer enough.
Redefining Value – a workplace perspective roundtable
- When it comes to choosing the right location and property, what factors are key to building confidence in your selection?
- What data do we need to collect to help us assess property selection?
- How do we as an industry drive retrofitting higher on the agenda?

ISG sponsors British Council for Offices Awards 2023
The BCO Awards acknowledges innovation and focuses external attention on examples of best practice. Established in 1992, the competition has grown and developed over the years with a number of innovations to categories and the way the Awards are presented.
Our project experience

ISG awarded £50 million low carbon Marylebone office scheme

The University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership’s new home isn’t your average building. But it needs to be.
The University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), Cambridge, UK

Construction: the great overlooked tool in our strategic workforce planning
The built environment, as a signal of confidence and observable employment opportunity, is a significantly underused indicator of future skills and workforce requirements. It could be the most effective tool in connecting the dots between people, place and productivity.

Low-carbon retrofit - Delivering on tomorrow's legacy, today.

Purpose and ‘moments that matter’ underpin our high street revival
The launch of ISG’s ‘The power of place: The true cost of inaction’ white paper explored reactions from three influential groups, after 24-months of transformational change, brought about by a global 1 in 100-year pandemic event.