ISG commits to action for Mayor of London’s vision of a zero-carbon city

ISG is one of eleven leading businesses who have partnered with the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, on working towards making London the world’s greenest global city.

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ISG commits to action for Mayor of London’s vision of a zero-carbon city

ISG is one of eleven leading businesses who have partnered with the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, on working towards making London the world’s greenest global city.

The companies, who together employ more than 165,000 people in London, will work with the Mayor on ambitious projects to cut levels of pollution and emissions far in excess of Government targets. 

This will involve using 100% renewable energy in their London properties by 2020 and tackling air pollution by supporting the transition towards zero-emission vehicles by 2025.

The new London Business Climate Leaders group includes a strong cluster of property and construction companies, representing London’s and the UK’s largest developers, including ISG, Derwent London and Landsec. 

It also includes multi-national businesses Tesco and Siemens, and global media organisations such as Sky, Informa and RELX Group. 

The establishment of the group follows the publication of the Mayor’s London Environment Strategy in May 2018.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “I’m doing everything in my power to reduce London’s carbon footprint, and going further and faster than national government to make London a zero-carbon city by 2050. 

“This network is a great example of how cities and businesses can come together to take bold action on climate change. 

“Not only are these businesses committed to renewable energy, clean transport and reducing waste, they’re also committed to working together to achieve results as quickly as possible.”

The private sector accounts for a large part of London’s emissions; for example, 40% of London’s greenhouse gas emissions come from workplaces.

Members of the group have pledged to:

•       Switch to zero emission capable vehicles for company owned vehicles in London and/or support the development of EV charging required in London by installing infrastructure on London based properties by 2025.

•       Commit to purchasing 100% renewable electricity for London based properties and mapping on site renewable potential of London based properties by 2020.

•       Set energy efficiency targets for 2020, 2030 and 2050 that aim toward zero carbon buildings by 2050 in London.

•       Reduce waste generated by 50% by 2030 and achieve a 75% recycling rate for business and zero waste to landfill by 2025.

The government is asking businesses to disclose emissions nationally from April 2019, however the London Business Climate Leaders will disclose emissions for their London operations by Autumn 2018. 

Other London-operating businesses are now being invited to join the initiative and pledge their support for making London a zero-carbon city by 2050.

The Mayor has also confirmed that the first ever London Climate Action Week is planned for 1 – 8 July 2019. 

It will showcase the capital as a global hub for climate expertise, services and action, and engage Londoners in the ambitious work underway across business, finance, culture and other sectors.

This partnership was launched as politicians, businesses and officials from around the world met in San Francisco for the Global Climate Action Summit in September.

The Mayor has reiterated his commitment to working with businesses to deliver local action that has a global impact, and helping London do its part in delivering the Paris Agreement on climate change.

The partnership has been developed with sustainability organisations CDP, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40), The B Team and the We Mean Business coalition, with funding provided by the Ikea Foundation.

Frances Way, chief operating officer at CDP, said: “This initiative has the potential to accelerate action on climate change and create a greener, thriving and more resilient city. 

“It is our hope that cities worldwide will adopt this collaborative, insight-driven approach which has the potential to lead to meaningful action on climate change.

“A thriving economy that works for people and planet is within our reach and for those who get ahead of the curve on environmental action, many opportunities await.”

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