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Rethinking the skills conundrum:              In Focus - Film and TV

We’ll be exploring the skills conundrum across the UK, bringing you the latest sector insights direct from our teams on-site with their clients – featuring video and commentary from our experts in sustainability, social value, supply chain, talent acquisition and sector specialisms on how we can collectively address rising skills shortages through a demand-led skills revolution.

  • Gary Sweeney

    Gary Sweeney

    Growth and Innovation Director

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Flipping the script; why the creative industry and construction sector must collaborate on a sustainable skills pipeline 

Paul Serkis, Sector Account Director - Film/Media, shares his thoughts on the company’s latest white paper on ‘Rethinking the skills conundrum’ and how we can unlock built environment data to join forces and help equip the UK with the skills required to match future industry demand.

The creative industries are listed as one of five priority sectors in the UK growth plan, benefiting from a range of fiscal incentives, yet the message from industry remains clear, a skills shortage and lack of investment in skills is a “major crisis” hanging over the industry.

On reading ISG’s latest white paper ‘Rethinking the skills conundrum’, which highlights the potential for enhanced skills master planning through better use of planning data, it strikes me that this resource could really prove a game changer for every sector and industry across the UK. Greater accessibility to this data could transform our current approach to skills planning – which often feels reactionary and a competitive scramble.

Armed with infrastructure investment data, we can join the dots between employment opportunity and skills demand – we can map geographical trends and better prepare individuals for roles that will exist after workplace infrastructure has been built or refurbished. Greater clarity and transparency builds confidence in skills investment and also highlights opportunities that will exist locally as well as within our key conurbations. It’s an opportunity to rebalance our economy and create strong education institutions that deliver a correctly skilled workforce for roles that exist regionally.

TV and Film

Flipping the script; why the creative industry and construction sector must collaborate on a sustainable skills pipeline

Paul Serkis, Sector Account Director - Film/Media, provides insight into his thoughts on reading ISG's latest Wide Angle report, 'Rethinking the skills conundrum'.

A look at TBY2 studios in Bristol


Developing the West of England workforce

Bristol City Council’s Film Services (comprising The Bottle Yard Studios, Bristol UNESCO City of Film and Bristol Film Office) are delivering a new skills programme in 2024 that is supporting entrants to break into behind-the-camera roles on film and high-end TV productions made in the West of England.

The West of England Film & High-End TV Workforce Development Programme is supporting regional participants from backgrounds currently underrepresented in the industry. With tailored training to demystify the world of scripted production and prepare trainees for entry level crew positions, the Programme is designed to strengthen the pipeline of diverse local talent. It will engage with up to 750 people in total throughout the year, with a view to 45 undertaking a full 5-week training course that will equip them to go on to get jobs.

The £300K scheme is funded by the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority’s Mayoral Priority Skills Fund and part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

Find out more here.

Watch this video where we discuss careers in the film and TV sector

Kingsley Clarke and Sam Lillywhite sitting on sofa
Our framework lead Matt Glass, recently spoke to Southern Construction Framework's Operations Lead, Kingsley Clarke, and ISG's Apprentice Construction Manager, Sam Lillywhite about careers in the film and TV sector, and how TBY2 Studios is playing a big part in providing job opportunities in Bristol.  

“To frame an example, technical and building services represent vital roles to the future of our industry, especially in helping ensure the buildings we deliver meet and surpass important sustainable performance goals. We therefore consider it critical to open pathways from increasingly diverse backgrounds to maximise inclusivity in our recruitment processes and to ensure we can consider the largest talent pool.”

Sarah McKinlay, Talent Development Director, ISG 

Skills shortage | ISG

Construction: the great overlooked tool in our strategic workforce planning

Our latest Wide Angle, ‘Rethinking the skills conundrum’, seeks to connect the dots between people, place and productivity.

“I see real opportunity to increase the impact we create in the communities we operate in if we were to use the data at our fingertips differently. By working more collaboratively with those that set the parameters around our Section 106 obligations, we can reframe discussions to focus on tangible future opportunities, rather than following historical data or practices.” 

Kate Marsh, Social Value Manager, ISG

Matching aspirations to pathways to overcome the skills shortage 

ISG’s Talent Development Director, Sarah McKinlay, commented “ISG’s ‘Rethinking the Skills Conundrum’ report highlights the importance young people, and their parents, put on finding a career that suits their interests, has an impact on society, and provides them the opportunity to use their skills whilst being fairly paid for their contribution.
“ISG’s aim is to be an outstanding employer, empowering our people to be the best they can be, and our early careers programmes support this ambition, and the aspirations of the young people surveyed in our research. It’s essential that young people have the opportunity to gain experience and continually learn new skills. Our participation in Open Doors and our early careers programmes provide both this insight, and a focus on gaining inspiring first-hand experience”.

Group of ISG early careers employees in PPE working on a construction site rooftop overlooking St Paul's Cathedral London

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