Case study one Acute Case study Guys and St Thomas Hospital HERO IMAGE ST THOMAS HOSPITAL003

St Thomas' Hospital East Wing recladding

Recladding the 13-storey East Wing building on the St Thomas’ Hospital site in central London.
  • Customer
    Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
  • Procurement Route
    58,104 sq ft of new glazing and louvres on four main elevations
  • Completion Date
    Currently on site
  • Value
  • Program Duration
    80 weeks
Guys and St Thomas
The tower crane assembly is the first stage of this high-profile project to re-clad the 13-storey East Wing building on the St Thomas' Hospital site in central London. 

The project

This project is for the recladding of the 13-storey East Wing building on the St Thomas’ Hospital site in central London. The existing façade is enclosed within a new glazed exterior and two new atria are also being created from the second floor up. 

The primary aims of the scheme are to create a long-term solution to address a problem of water ingress into the building, provide new bed lifts, improve energy efficiency by controlling solar gain and glare and improve the image of the building and site-wide campus. The East Wing building contains over 200 beds together with catheter suites, clinical offices, teaching facilities and ancillary plant and stores. 

The East Wing will remain in operation throughout the works, but by leaving the existing façade in place, disruption to occupants and neighbours is being significantly reduced.

“The winning team has developed a proposal which is intelligent, stylish, appropriate and convincing at all levels, from its construction strategy to its approach to sustainability. It will transform, not just the East Wing, but the whole surrounding environment.” 

David Henderson, Co-director of Bennetts Associates and RIBA Adviser and Jury Panel member

Winning the work

ISG secured the project through RIBA Competitions, teaming up with renowned designers, Hopkins Architects and engineers, Arup. The East Wing building has a significant presence on the London skyline and the competition looked to achieve a design of exemplary quality befitting its prominent location. The team was required to collaborate from day one in a multi-stage process. 

The Hopkins/ISG winning design is a single skin of glass with a timber mullion and stainless steel external pressure cap, which creates a thermal buffer zone. The judges thought this to be a thorough and well thought through proposal with the potential to achieve a significant transformation of the image of the hospital, both externally and internally. The generous atria spaces will also enhance the experience for patients and staff.

“The winning design is a stunning response to the brief and was the most popular in the public consultation. It will be a great asset for St Thomas’ Hospital that will significantly enhance the building for staff and patients alike."

David Henderson, Co-director of Bennetts Associates and RIBA Adviser and Jury Panel member