ISG Anna Foden headshot in a white shirt and orange blazer

The key to unlocking the true potential of the circular economy

ISG’s head of sustainability, Anna Foden, recently took part in a UN Global Compact webinar series focusing on the built environment, and specifically how the sector accelerates its journey to circular economy principles.

ISG’s head of sustainability, Anna Foden, recently took part in a UN Global Compact webinar series focusing on the built environment, and specifically how the sector accelerates its journey to circular economy principles.

Alongside panellists from RICS, British Land and Arup, Anna told the global webinar audience, which surpassed 1,600 people, that “This is the time for revolutionary change in the built environment. We're creating a re-use network by joining up our projects to ensure materials are retained at their highest levels and then re-deployed.”

Anna’s insight that engaging the supply chain is key to unlocking the true potential of the circular economy was echoed by fellow panellists during the wide-ranging discussion. On the subject of material passports, Anna was clear that these “de-risk material re-use - which is so important in validating materials for use in their primary form.”

A point confirmed by other panellists was the importance of building in time within programmes to maximise the impact of circularity – “At The Entopia Building for CISL, we had the time and space to implement a re-use strategy that delivered genuine cost savings and delivered to client expectations on a world-leading deep office retrofit.” 

Listen to the webinar below:

Slide displaying list of speakers at UN Global Compact Circular Economy Webinar including ISG Anna Foden
low-carbon retrofit | ISG

Low-carbon retrofit

As organisations are transitioning from short-term decision-making to long-term preparation for a new reality, underpinned by the ESG agenda as the driving force, our teams offer the expertise and knowledge to assist you in reaching your carbon reduction goals for your estate. We can help you set new standards for low energy use, carbon emissions and impact on natural resources.

Our low-carbon retrofit offering will ensure that your building stays ahead of energy usage legislation and maximises the performance of your estates and to meet your commitments and deliver long-term return on investment. 

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