Unlocking construction to help prisoners turn away from crime

ISG recently took part in the Unlocking Construction initiative, showcasing career opportunities in the industry to prisoners who are near release. Created by the New Futures Network, who form part of HM Prison and Probation Service and connect prisons with employers, the two-week initiative featured multiple events across 60 prisons in England and Wales.
ISG took part in 11 events, collaborating across business functions and with supply chain partners. Highlights included Q&A sessions, construction-related practical activities, insight into the industry, and careers fairs with over 100 people in attendance. An Employment Account Manager from Novus, a social enterprise focusing on learning and skills, said: “Thanks to everyone who has taken part in this spectacular event, the biggest we have held at HMP Holme House in a long time!”
In multiple locations, we collaborated with supply chain partners to maximise the value of the events. At HMP Coldingly, Social Value Advisor, Georgia Ward, supported a careers fair stand with a number of supply chain partners, and the Prison Employment Lead at HMP Coldingley commented: “Thank you so much for today, I am amazed at how well it turned out! Without you guys bringing the team in and supporting, this would have never happened.”
Senior Social Value Manager, Joy Woods, along with supply chain partners, conducted interviews for candidates at HMP Liverpool who have Construction Skills Certification Scheme level 1 certification, are six months from release and will reside in the North West. Selecting a cohort with these criteria meant the interviews were particularly valuable as they were all eligible candidates. The Prison Employment Lead at HMP Liverpool said: “The feedback we have had from the men has been fantastic.”
“Unlocking Construction has been a really valuable initiative, and following the events, there have been further conversations around employment and release on temporary licence (ROTL) opportunities, distribution of CVs, referrals to training courses and sharing of education materials. These positive outcomes signify the next steps in supporting the prisoners in securing employment upon release, therefore reducing their chances of reoffending.”
Joy Woods, Senior Social Value Manager, ISG