Internal Reporting Office

1. Introduction

The Internal Reporting Office is one of the mechanism that Interior Services Group Iberia SLU ("ISG Iberia") makes available to all employees, officers and directors of the Group's companies and third parties who have dealings with them and, in particular, suppliers and contractors, shareholders, volunteers, interns and trainees, so that they lodge a complaint or report a concern/suspicion (“Complaint”) which may relate to rules concerning:

  • money laundering,
  • public procurement and unfair competition,
  • bribery and corruption,
  • health & safety and the protection of the environment,
  • data privacy and regulations on business confidentiality,
  • tax, accounting regulations or mismanagement,
  • rights protected by criminal laws and/or administrative offences,
  • labour laws and working conditions, including modern slavery/forced labour,
  • ethical conduct,,
  • or any other protected right as listed in Section 2 of Spanish Law 2/2023 of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption.

2. Internal Reporting Office

ISG has appointed an internal Compliance committee to manage the internal Reporting Office which you can contact if you wish to notify ISG about potential/suspected severe violations. The names and contact details of ISG Iberia's internal Compliance Committee are as follows:

Department:     Compliance Committee
Rep: Sandra Martínez Castro, José Sánchez Montalbán y Mª Eugenia Seco Villanueva.
Address: Avenida de Córdoba 21, 2ª planta oficina 1, 28026 Madrid
Phone +34 682 17 84 78 / + 34 680 569 283 / +34 690 95 82 72

The Office is also accessible 24×7 via the web form available below.

Complaints may be made anonymously if you wish, or you can include your contact details if you prefer to do so. The information collected in the Complaints will be treated securely and confidentially.

The Internal Reporting Office processes the complaints received diligently and promptly, promoting their verification and encouraging the measures for their resolution, in accordance with the internal procedures established in the ISG Group Whistleblowing Policy and the Addendum to the Whistleblowing Policy for Spain.

IMPORTANT. This is the Internal Reporting Office for reporting potential/suspected serious severe violations. For commercial, billing or any other communication, please contact the relevant department.

In addition to report to the ISG Group Company Secretary and the Internal Reporting Office, you can also contact:

Via e-mail
Via web
Via phone Consulte los datos de contacto específicos de cada país en el anexo 1.

Further information about Safecall is available in ISG’s Group Whistleblowing Policy.

Report a complaint

You may fill a complaint before the competent national authorities and, where appropriate, before the European authorities.

You may report the information or a concern anonymously without having to disclose your identity or any contact details. Otherwise, your personal data will be treated confidentially and in accordance with data protection regulations:

  • Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.
  • Law 7/2021, of 26 May, on the protection of personal data processed for the purposes of the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal offences and the execution of criminal penalties.

You may exercise your ARCO-PAL rights in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned laws.

The data contained in this document may be disclosed to third parties only in cases where corrective measures are to be taken, or administrative or criminal proceedings are to be initiated.

Please enter your details and the nature of your complaint below.

Optionally you can provide the following data:

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